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DeFi and Governance

DAOs, DEX’s, and protocols are the best ways to see Web3 technologies in action. Web3 communities are using tokens and voting to decentralize decisionmaking at the grassroots level. Stay up to date on the latest trends through our thought pieces and analysis, where we’re bringing you decentralized design for a Web3 world.

Is Regenerative Finance Web3's next big trend?

Listen to discover NEAR Foundation's vision for a decentralized web and how to build a more diverse and inclusive Web3 space.

Listen for a discussion on all things governance, including DAOs, tokens, and community.

Listen for a discussion around Hackathons, startup scaling and the path to raising capital.

Listen for a discussion around tokenising everything, DeFi API and innovation triggers.

This article dives into investment DAOs, the original form of decentralized online governance.

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