Introducing Ascent Token Launch Accelerator


Outlier Ventures is launching a later-stage token launch accelerator

  • Our program is focused on go-to-market for founders with community and product traction, providing extensive go-to-market support.
  • From token design to legal structure, marketing, and fundraising, the program offers end-to-end guidance for a successful token launch.
  • Exclusive Access to Key Partners: Connect with leading investors, exchanges, launchpads, and market makers essential for a successful market entry.
  • Tailored Support and Mentorship: Gain insights from 40+ Web3 experts across various domains to supercharge project growth and ensure a smooth token launch.
  • Target Projects: Seeking teams with strong community traction, live or beta products, and pre-seed/seed investments, particularly in areas like Real World Assets, Gaming, DePin, Bitcoin, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Open Finance, Decentralized Social, and AI x Crypto.
  • Applications are now open and will close on September 5th 2024. The program will start in mid September.

Introducing our Token Launch Accelerator program

Founded in 2014, Outlier Ventures brings a world class and industry leading team focused on Web3 Go-To-Market. We advise founders on everything from token design & economies, token launches & distributions, NFTs, go-to-market strategy, structuring, technology, and fundraising, catapulting projects to the next level. 

Ascent is Outlier Ventures’ advisory program supporting later stage teams. Outlier has helped 40 projects to go to market. We advise founders on everything from token design & economies, token launches & distributions, go-to-market strategy, structuring, technology, and fundraising, catapulting projects to the next level.

We support teams in successfully launching their tokens by advising  on token distribution strategies, token economies, community building & user acquisition, legal structure. 

We also connect projects on the program with leading investors, exchanges, launchpads, market makers, and other partners essential to ensure a successful token launch.

Number accurate May 2024 under portico numbers

What you will get

The Ascent Token Launch accelerator means participating founders will get hands-on pre-TGE advice and support from Web3 OGs for a smooth market entry. No fluff, just real help before the launch and beyond.

  • Top-notch crypto native experts – Comprehensive help with Token Economies, Token Launch, Product & Engineering, Marketing & Community, Legal, Fundraising, and more
  • Token Design and Tokenomic development – Support with developing projects’ token economies, including the token flow architecture, distribution strategy, stakeholder mapping and ecosystem simulation
  • Investments- We have a network of over 250 investors interested in investing in Web3 projects from VCs and family offices to syndicates and pools in North America, Europe, the Middle East & Asia
  • Listings and MMs- Connecting teams with CEXs, DEXs and launchpads, help to pitch the project to secure Tier-1 listings and advise on reasonable market making strategy
  • Partner + Ecosystem development – We work with leading partners and industry players across all Web3 verticals, from ecosystems, exchanges and market makers to growth agencies, law firms, and security auditors
  • Community and marketing growth strategy – Developing innovative web3 focused growth mechanics to boost your community, brand and on-chain metrics

Our investment mandate

We’re looking for teams that:

  • Are 2-6 months from their token launch
  • Show strong community traction already
  • Have live product or beta version ready to be launched
  • Have secured Pre-seed/seed investments from notable VCs, private investors or angels

Our focus areas

We are very interested in talking to teams building in one of our “Call for Builders” target areas. These include:

Real World Assets

RWA involves creating digital copies of tangible and intangible assets on the blockchain, unlocking benefits like efficiency gains, liquid markets, and decentralized ownership.


Web3 revolutionizes gaming by offering players true ownership of in-game assets, enhanced security, and new economic opportunities through blockchain technology.


DePIN leverages blockchain to create and manage decentralized infrastructure, integrating physical nodes like servers and sensors to support various services.


Bitcoin’s evolving ecosystem, driven by new composability and scalability, unlocks a wide range of decentralized applications and financial opportunities beyond its traditional use as a medium of exchange.

Privacy Enhancing Technologies

PETs ensure secure and private data exchange on public blockchains, balancing transparency and privacy to unlock new economic collaborations.

Open Finance

Open Finance extends beyond traditional banking by leveraging blockchain and decentralized applications to provide inclusive, cost-efficient financial services to a broader audience.

Decentralized Social

Web3 social platforms combine SocialFi, memecoins, and DAOs to offer decentralized, privacy-focused social interactions, responding to growing dissatisfaction with traditional social media.

AI x Crypto

The convergence of AI and blockchain technologies promises to enhance data privacy, improve usability, and create innovative solutions that address the limitations of both fields.

To read more about our focus areas, click here

How to apply

Applications open until September 5th 2024. The program will kick off in mid September.

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