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Founder Foundations

As an early stage founder, knowing where to start is often the hardest part. When it comes to Web3, that’s only made more difficult. Fear not. We’ve seen this over 250 times. Our flagship Founder Foundations section is an attempt to give you an introductory guide to your founder journey. We’re bringing you introductory guides to Web3, product development, founder basics, and much much more.

One of the most outstanding mistakes that early-stage make is focusing on an idea that is too big. How can startup founders identify the problem they are trying to solve and avoid mistakes along the way?

Despite the hype around the Metaverse, few people fully understand its potential. Dive into the technological, economic, and social system that is fundamentally changing the web.

Finding a co-founder can be one of the most challenging aspects of building a founding team. However, two founders raise the chances of startup success. Outlier's CTO and co-founder Aron Van Ammers discusses how to navigate founder dynamics and build a strong team.

Proving there is a market for your idea is a crucial aspect of building a sustainable business – especially when it comes to raising funding.

Web3-native teams often ask themselves whether they should issue an NFT or a fungible token. We've written this to guide you through the pros and cons of each and everything in between.

Many founders adopting Web3 technologies wonder whether a token is right for them. So we’ve written a quick explainer to help guide you through.

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