Web 3 funding: August 2020 in numbers

August keeps on setting records with 24 deals and $278 million raised. This is more than what we did for the entire Q2 2020. Source: Crunchbase and The Block The median raise this month was $2.9 million across 5 different verticals. The massive difference this month again comes from token sales. For the first time […]

Crypto Art will be the Lambo for the 2020 Bull Run

The term ‘crypto art’ is still somewhat nebulous, but increasingly the moniker of a rapidly growing creative community. On the one hand, it is art about crypto and its various memes – which can be digital or otherwise. Yet, on the other hand, it is increasingly about purely digital art made by a community of […]

Web 3 funding: July 2020 in numbers

It’s August and everyone in Europe seems to be on holiday. The summer tends to be a dead season, but this year’s July fundraising numbers proved us wrong. Founders and investors were  busier than ever in the UK, Europe and the US. Continuing the tradition I am looking into the fundraising data for the second quarter of the year to get a comprehensive view of the state of web3. I am doing this every month to see how the true effect of COVID-19 unravels in the Web 3 world in near real time across 5 charts. See Q2 2020 numbers here.

Web 3 funding: Q2 2020 in numbers

Over 100 days into lockdown and we are starting to open up. Time to draw the line for the short term implications of the pandemic on the Web 3 world.

Blitzscaling ZIP: Introducing ZIPdao

As a community, ZIP is open and inclusive by default. It does not discriminate. In order to effectively align and coordinate a rapidly growing community around our shared goal, we believe a DAO with simple, but well designed, governance is critical. Therefore we are excited to announce the soft launch of ZIPdao.