The Metaverse Podcast

A new web is emerging that goes well beyond just Bitcoin, Ethereum, and money, but promises an entirely new computing paradigm, and data economy. The Metaverse Podcast is a series hosted by Outlier Ventures Founder & Chairman Jamie Burke where he introduces you to the founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and the policymakers that are shaping Web 3, the Open Metaverse, and the future of digital interaction.

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Founders share stories, challenges, wins, and insights from their experience with the Base Camp program.

Listen for a discussion around the digital fashion industry, how DressX is integrating AI into the fashion world and the transition from social media as a pre-metaverse stage to a full-fledged metaverse

Listen for a discussion around unique use cases for blockchain technology, innovative use cases at the intersection of Blockchain and AI and projects we're interested in investing in

Listen for a discussion around the future of gaming and its intersection with Web3, effective tips for generating high-quality gaming assets, and the process of building Echoes of Somewhere

Listen for a discussion around Direct-to-Avatar Economy opportunity, insights about building web3 products, and Generative AI innovations

Listen for a discussion around intersection of emerging technologies and art; specific AI tools that Nick employs in his work; and insights on additive prompting and how these tools will evolve in near future