How Brands can Harness Social Commerce and Take Back Control from Social Media, with Roy Bernheim of Dcommerce

Join our host and CEO, Jamie Burke, as he delves deep with Roy in a discussion exploring the future of social commerce. Whether you’re a fashion brand founder, a metaverse builder, or a web3 enthusiast, be sure to tune in to:
The Direct-to-Avatar Economy Opportunity, with Timmu Tõke of Ready Player Me

Listen for a discussion around Direct-to-Avatar Economy opportunity, insights about building web3 products, and Generative AI innovations
The Metaverse Blockchain, with Sangmin Seo of Klaytn

Listen for a discussion around blockchain in South Korea, the Klatyn chain, and high-performance computing.
What is dCommerce

What is Decentralized commerce? And how can it transform how people buy and sell goods.
Why we invested in Boson? The trillion dollar dCommerce opportunity.

Boson Protocol is to dCommerce what stablecoins were to the DeFi stack – the catalyst for an ecosystem of highly specialised, yet complimentary and composable protocols. On the question of what to do with Big Tech The Web’s ecommerce platform monopolies, like Amazon in The West and Alibaba in Asia, are often referred to […]