After successfully transitioning Base Camp 2 to a fully virtual programme, triggered by COVID-19, we were inspired to launch this Summer’s cohort as fully virtual and were amazed by the response: receiving a record 250 applications from all over the world with increasing quality.

In 2020, a new entrant secured a top 5 spot in share of smart contracts, dapps and daily active users. 3 top-20 protocols suffered greater than 50% declines in developer activity, and one protocol saw a meteoric 931% rise in core protocol development. At Outlier Ventures, we’ve indexed millions of commits across thousands of repositories to compile a report on blockchain developer activity over the past year.

Today we’re starting an open call for startup advisors, experienced professionals and investors to register interest in supporting our accelerator Base Camp.

As a community, ZIP is open and inclusive by default. It does not discriminate. In order to effectively align and coordinate a rapidly growing community around our shared goal, we believe a DAO with simple, but well designed, governance is critical. Therefore we are excited to announce the soft launch of ZIPdao.

We believe one of the most important barriers to meaningful adoption of the emergent Web 3 Stack is the volatility of tokens: both gas and token price as a commodity. The solution is something we call FUEL.