The Digital Dogs
The digital dogs company
Cross-app, AI Digital Dogs NFTs for immersive realities, including metaverses, VR, AR, social games, and more. Your trusted companion across virtual worlds!
Cross-App, Persistent-State AI Digital Pets platform for virtual environments, VR worlds, social apps, games and more. The ideal #NFTs companion for all things #Metaverse Digital Pets are secured as NFTs and powered by proprietary PetOS – an interoperable software solution that is leveraging a mixture of AI technologies like natural language understanding and processing, image recognition, reinforcement learning, conversational AI , and inverse kinematics to mimic the cognitive abilities of pets and the ways we interact with them. Creating a two-way relationship between a person and a truly intelligent virtual being is a complex task and takes a great deal of specialization. The path to creating an emotional connection combines multi-sensory interaction and precise visual aesthetics.
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