We are transitioning from a centralized energy system reliant on burning fossil fuels, to a distributed and peer-to-peer system in which renewables are increasingly used.  This transition brings with it a whole host of technological challenges that the energy sector has never needed to deal with.To integrate these advanced data technologies holistically, the energy sector should look to the Convergence Stack as a framework

Wrapping up our series on the Deployment Phase we’ll discuss the importance of network measurement, monitoring, and maintenance.

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. DeFi is a peer-to-peer electronic financial instrument system and refers to projects that are using cryptographic tokens and blockchains enabling anyone to issue, transfer and own financial instruments.

In this project, as part of Outlier Ventures’ Research Programme with the Imperial Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering and in collaboration with Ocean Protocol and MusicMap, a group of six students from Imperial College took on the task of building a TCR Simulator.

Kicking off our series on the Deployment Phase we will discuss the importance of testing and network safety. Deployment is focused on system integration and continued model optimisation through testing and iteration.

These marketplaces are made possible because of the technologies lower in stack from hardware, distribution, routing, verification, and interfacing. To learn more …