Being able to connect with and have access to people in the NEAR Foundation side of things was very cool. We were glad for the opportunity and the resources to attend NEARCon.
Justin Ahn

Quidli aims to become a social middle Layer for Web3. Their addon evolves web2 platforms like slack or discords into web3 super-apps with micro on-ramping services that allow anyone to tip crypto
Quidli allows you to add monetary features to your communities or workplace at the click of a button. Quidli is easy to implement and allows you to send crypto to co-workers even if they don’t have a wallet.
Quidli will handle the on-boarding for non-crypto users by allowing users without wallets to easily on-board through KeyPom and claim their crypto when they are ready. This micro on-boarding service can be used for many things, such as:
recognising internal team members
Incentivising communities through micro grants
Incentivising developers in your ecosystem.
Find this project at:
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Tagged NEAR Base Camp