Base Camp Application Guide

Outlier Ventures opens applications for the Base Camp accelerator programs twice a year per city in various locations. After the success in London, we are expanding to Berlin!

Cross-Enterprise Collaborative Analytics with Enigma

Homomorphic encryption and multi-party computation have long been heralded as the advent of privacy-preserving outsourced compute, however, for practical applications, these technologies have been in research limbo since the 1970s. Leveraging a new technology from Intel chipsets known as SGX, Enigma has created a practical implementation of private compute in the Rust programming language. Rust, […]

18 Predictions for 2020

Over 11 years since the creation of Bitcoin, 2020 will be the year we follow the S-Curve of technology diffusion out of the period of Installation and into Deployment, where we see ‘synergy’ and ‘consolidation’ of the technology begin to take effect. Blockchain will finally grow up, with institutional money trickling into the market based on fundamentals – real traction and usage.

7 Steps for a Successful Equity Fundraising Campaign: Part I

As VCs we have been in the industry for a long time. Sometimes we forget how difficult it can be to navigate. So as we graduate another cohort, we present you with the Fundraising Playbook. We like to keep the process simple. By sticking to 7 fundamental steps, you can take away the anxiety from the unknown. Let’s dive in.

Diffusion 2019: overview of presentations, talks and workshops

The tone and format of the event was not about crypto theatre, ego and noise, it was strictly focused on collaboration and building. What made the event unique was the resolute focus on growing the space together, in an open exchange of ideas between protocols and teams across the technology stack from around the globe. The technical, […]