Eunika Sot

Marketing Advisory Manager at Outlier Ventures

Active since: 2022

Who is Eunika?

Eunika Sot joined Outlier Ventures in early 2023 as a Marketing Advisory Manager. She is a Web3 native who started her own crypto company in 2018, and took it through ups and downs of multiple cycles. Her focus at Outlier is helping startups create end-to-end go to market strategies focused on leveraging most up to date marketing frameworks and cross-disciplinary expertise. She is also a science-fiction writer, and public speaker featured by Bloomberg who enjoys ambient techno.

BaseCamp Q1 2024 | Wrapped

Program review – in summary 21 companies successfully completed their journey through three accelerator streams: Futureverse, Bitcoin, and Wormhole. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to

Base Camp Q4 2023 | Wrapped

Program review – in summary 21 companies graduated from 4 accelerator streams; Walmart Store N°8, Polygon, Zero Knowledge and NEAR We want to thank all

MOVE Accelerator 2023 | Wrapped

Program review – in summary Eight companies have graduated from the Aptos x Outlier Move Accelerator. Those eight companies are working to redefine the Web3