YOM is pioneering the first cloud gaming infrastructure (DePIN) on Solana, streaming games, white-label experiences and entirely new entertainment formats at scale. Leveraging a distributed network of gaming machines, YOM offers global low-latency near-zero costs cloud gaming to any device and channel, effectively eliminating the need for dedicated game consoles (Xbox, Playstation). 1️⃣ Acquired European Commission ‘Seal of Excellence’. 2️⃣ 25+ studios deploying projects on top of YOM 3️⃣ Alpha Program comprises of 400+ nodes. 4️⃣ Product is operational for Unreal Engine 5.4 games 5️⃣ Backed by top tier VC: Borderless Capital and Outlier Ventures 6️⃣ Partnered with peaq DePIN network, the leading DePIN Partner 7️⃣ DePIN Node Launch Q4 2024, Live Q2 2025 (First Cloud Gaming DePIN) $YOM Features: ⚡️ Proof of Gameplay (PoG): earn $YOM by putting your gaming machine to work. 🔥 Deflationary: $YOM is burned from the total supply whenever a node claims rewards. 💫 Team 💫 🚀 Doxed serial entrepreneurs: ex-VC, ex-Oculus, ex-private equity. 🚀 Top-tier advisors from giants like Sony, PUBG, Paradox Interactive and Vodafone 🚀 Extended partners: Stratos, LTO Network, Allianceblock, CV VC, Lucid Blue Ventures. Alphabit, Andromeda Capital, Str8fire 📱 Links 📱 CG: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/yom Website: https://yom.ooo/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/YOMetaverse Telegram: https://t.me/YOM_community Youtube: https://youtube.com/@YourOpenMetaverse?si=m7YaQ_jI6BUpKns4
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Founder information:
Andy Pringle